Back on the Read tab, check the checkbox written “Read All Messages in Plain Text”. In the Font size box, select Largest (or the size you prefer), and then click OK. On the Windows Live Mail tab (the blue button on the top left of WLM screen), click Options and then click Mail. Plaintext is easily changed to the font size you want. Setting the mail you receive to plaintext will bypass the faulty internet explorer settings. Method 2: Change font size and change the settings to plaintext Your font on Windows Live mail should now work after the installation of this update. Remember that you must be running a genuine copy of Windows and you must allow updates on the Windows Update application in order to download this update. You can also go to the windows update catalog directly here and install the latest cumulative security update for internet explorer that you find. Here is the link to the Windows Update Catalog of our update above. On the next page, look for a link that says ‘ This update is available via Windows Update’. ( Here is the details page of the last cumulative internet explorer update that will work for this scenario). Click on the link of the cumulative security update to get more details. In the ‘Search by bulletin, KB, or CVE number’ type ‘ internet explorer’ to find the latest cumulative security update for internet explorer. Go to the Microsoft Security Bulletin page here. Windows Live Mail collects data via internet explorer, and how it is received on windows live mail is dictated by internet explorer. This is caused by a bug in the internet explorer security protocol. It seems that all mails received in HTML format are not affected by the change in font size. The good news is that Microsoft has acknowledged this issue. Usually they are running window live mail 2011 in their windows computer. However, some people have been complaining that when you try to change the font size that is used for reading messages in Windows Live Mail, the font size does not change. How can you change the font size of Windows Live mail? It is quite simple to change the Windows Live mail font size. In the office, reading through quickly emails is a plus. There are also a fairly good percentage of people that prefer larger texts because it makes it easy for them to read.
senior citizens, tiny texts might strenuous. For some people who might be visually impaired e.g. The plaintext mode, however, is limited in terms of graphics and presentation. You either receive mail in HTML format or plaintext format. Windows live mail delivers your mail either through a browser or from a desktop app.