The observation, that enemy pods have a tendency to converge on your squad, even if you remain concealed is correct. Can anybody point to hard evidence - like official documentation, an analysis of the source code, or YouTube videos showing experiments designed to differentiate between these different hypotheses - that establishes what is true and what is fiction? Surely at least one of these claims must be true (perhaps several!), but it's difficult to tell which. When you get close to the objective, this line becomes short, resulting in enemies converging.

Over at The enemy knows where you are in concealment on the Steam forums, Prince Ian shows this image of 5 pods all converging on his concealed ranger:Ĭlearly this convergence is real, and some mechanic must drive it. Other posters have observed this tendency of enemies to converge if you remain concealed. However, once I neared the objective, all three pods on the map converged on it, leaving me no options but to evac or to fight the entire enemy force simultaneously. Using my starting Concealment, I stealthed my whole team all the way across the map to the objective, bypassing a pod along the way. I recently had an experience that seems to be common, judging from other posts on the internet.